Ingredient Close-Up: Cocoa Butter

Oleic acid

As the major fatty acid in olives (hence oleic), it also makes up ~35% of cocoa butter. An easily absorbed Omega 9 unsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid will give moisturising properties, just like baby’s own natural moisturising factor (NMF) which also has fatty acids. Keeping baby skin soft and moist. I love that word. Moist.

Stearic acid and palmitic acid

Combined, these fatty acids make up the major components of cocoa butter (~60%). As saturated fats they make cocoa butter solid at room temperature, melting once in contact with skin (33-35°C). They are also hardy fatty acids and can offer a good protective barrier on the skin, filling in holes in the epidermis. Allowing skin to repair itself and replenish its water content without loss. So perfect for keeping baby’s protective barrier in place, especially when eczema or nappy rash is affecting them.

Linoleic acid

This an essential fatty acid (Omega 6 fatty acid) that our bodies cannot produce. It that makes up ~5% of cocoa butter. Omega 6 fatty acids play important roles in cellular signalling, inflammatory response (immune response), mood regulation and behaviour. Linoleic acid has an additionally specific role in maintaining the water permeability barrier of our skin. So not only can baby’s skin be kept in tip-top shape but it can improve their mood and behaviour…who knew?

Cocoa butter is excellent at keeping your child’s skin soft, providing a barrier to protect their skin from the elements and reducing water loss. Oh! And making them the best behaved child ever*.

*We can only hope…

At Honestly we only use ACO/USDA Organic Refined Cocoa Butter in our Bath Fizzles and Baby Lotion Bars. Find them in the shop here.

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