My Passion for Education for Empowerment and Wellbeing

Online courses for inspiration, empowerment and optimising wellbeing

I have a selection of inspiring “Deepening Wonder” courses that are pre-recorded and available to purchase and download from my website. The Aromatherapy for personal bliss explores the science of aromatherapy, how it works physiologically, emotionally and mentally to enhance wellbeing. The course explores the benefits of specific aromatherapy oils and the research and science that enables oils to be used therapeutically at home and in places such as hospitals. The Crystals for balance and harmony course explores energy practices, the Chakras and how specific crystals can be used to enhance wellbeing. The Mindfulness for focus and flow course will empower you with mindfulness practices and tools for living in the moment, reducing stress and exploring mindful movement. The Meditation and visualisation for peace and clarity course will empower you to explore different types of meditation, positive affirmations and to use visualisations for focussing on reaching your wellbeing goals.

My online courses include: pre-recorded video presentations, course manuals, inspirational guidance downloads, positive affirmations and a guided meditation. 

Education for empowerment is about inspiring you to learn techniques and holistic tools to find serenity to flourish and optimise your wellbeing. To be empowered, you need time and space to focus on your inner knowledge, your intuition and the natural healing and amazing abilities of your body.

I also have a YouTube channel, Instagram and Facebook where I share my mini-inspirational teachings about holistic therapies for free and give detailed information about the online courses I have developed and published.

Education for empowerment is freedom!

Freedom is a feeling, but it is also a behaviour and a strong, motivating state of being. I have experienced the freedom that education has given me and I cherish the holistic therapies and holistic self-coaching techniques that I have learned.

To feel and be truly free is a liberating experience! For education to be empowering, information needs to be presented in a way that enables you to feel you have control, choice and to optimise your wellbeing with new knowledge. If you are truly in tune with your body, mind and emotions and are making informed choices that feel intuitive and individual to you, this is freedom and empowerment. My pre-recorded online courses enable you to take your time to learn about aromatherapy, crystals, mindfulness and meditation and to discover wellbeing practices for self-care that you can use at home or at work. There is a combination of videos, audio and downloadable manuals and guidance and practical tips to suit women who prefer visual, auditory, written or kinaesthetic methods of learning. If you are a pragmatist, reflector, activist or theorist, my online courses combine actions with reflections which are embedded in theories and research.

Specialist education for pregnancy, birth and motherhood

I support all women to explore serenity to flourish, but I also specialise in holistic birth education for empowerment. I have an inner drive and desire to support pregnant, birthing and postnatal women with holistic and wellbeing research and information to give them freedom and information to make intuitive and evidence-based choices. I have a dedicated website and Instagram for pregnancy and motherhood. My pre-recorded online courses are tailored for pregnancy and motherhood. Specifically, my Birthing Goddess: Holistic Birth empowerment course!

I was very excited to launch my Birthing Goddess: Holistic Birth empowerment education course in May 2023. This is a pre-recorded, self-study online course, which is based on the knowledge and experience that I’ve been developing over 20 years. I’ve been writing and recording videos about aromatherapy for birth, mindful movement, hypnotherapy for birth, holistic pain relief, birth choices and creating a sanctuary for birth. There are also video teachings about optimising mental health, the magic of oxytocin, the 4 dimensions of support, learning styles and coping techniques and how to make smart wishes! I’ve written a 32-page Birthing Goddess manual, which is an exploratory coaching workbook, and a 20-page A-Z guide for birth empowerment to accompany the videos. 9 pages of Aromatherapy factsheets, 3 pages of positive affirmations and a 13-minute guided meditation are also included. You can connect with me and find out more from the links provided.

Visit the Serenity to Flourish website to find out more, and follow them on FacebookInstagram and YouTube. For their pregnancy and birth website, head to and connect with them on Instagram.

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