Simplify Parenthood with Organised, Labelled Backpacks & Bags

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

What doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger they say. I couldn’t even tell you the amount of challenges I have had from massive faults during manufacturing, lengthy delays during Covid, product inventory not being accurate resulting in stock selling I didn’t have, multiple wrong orders being shipped and guessing prices – often leading to zero profit for the time you have put in. These are not even considered challenges compared to just the overall struggle of the 10 different full-time hats you have to wear when starting a business, from marketing, admin, social media, emails, finance and warehouse – often working a regular full-time job on top and caring for young children. I would like to think I am stronger from challenges and have learnt to take a much calmer, solution-based approach when I encounter a problem these days, using it to expand my innovation instead of previously letting it deplete me.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

You know what they say: “I use to work a 9-5 but now I work 24/7” haha. This is very accurate, but in saying that, I have never got up since working for myself and thought I don’t want to go to work today, which I did every day in my previous government role. My biggest pro is definitely having freedom and control of your own life. My mum always worked full time in retail, leaving me in care after school and during holidays which I hated. Being able to take my kids to and from school and not worry if one is feeling sick and having to call my boss and try to bargain for the day off makes the effort worth it x100. I have also hired my mum 2 days a week so to be able to see her get off her feet a little and at the same time pay and spend time with her is a dream come true.

Hopes and dreams: What next?

I left my government role 18 months ago after replacing its income with H&N Label and ever since, I think I have been set on high speed to keep up with the rapid expansion. I have just hired another staff member who will work in customer service and the warehouse, which will free up my time to focus on expanding the business and creating many more amazing products I have designed already. I would like to step back from working in the business so much so I can work on the business. I have so many ideas, tips, tricks and a passion for organising and growth that I want to share with the world, so who knows where this will lead me.

Visit the H&N Label website to find out more and to browse their products. You can also connect with them on Facebook and Instagram.

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