The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
As a physio, I don’t naturally excel in either technology or marketing…. Yet I had this crazy thought that an online business would be a great idea lol! Ideally, you pay someone to do these things for you, but as any small business owner knows, you usually don’t have the grace to do this, so you end up being a jack of all trades yourself. Technology was a massive challenge for me, but the online business course I did was amazing, gave me the confidence to face my fears, and the know-how to launch my online business myself from home.
I know how much these classes could help people, particularly women, but no matter how good your product is, if you can’t get it out to people, it’s pointless. There’s lots of free stuff available online, but people need to know exercises are appropriate and safe for them to do and that they have the backup of support and advice when needed. As a physiotherapist trained in pelvic health, they can have this assurance with all my classes, but I’m not naturally inclined to put myself out there so marketing is still my biggest challenge!

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
Going out on your own is always a risk and an unknown. You lose the security of a regular income and are equipped simply with a vision and a big heart that is passionate about helping people, but with no guarantees it will work – this can seem crazy! But if you’re naturally entrepreneurial and creative in your thinking, you will thrive running your own business. It can be stressful and there are days when you feel overwhelmed or under qualified, so having a good business mentor or someone who has different strengths to yours to bounce ideas off is crucial for your mental health, alongside a supportive spouse to stand by you and believe in you when times are tough.
But if you love to run your own ship and want a flexible schedule that works for you and/or your family, then running your own business is definitely a pro. I couldn’t go back to being told what hours I have to work or when I can take leave. It feels like being crushed after the freedom of running your own business. There is an element of risk that you must be prepared to absorb as a business owner though, so it’s not for everyone. You have to be prepared to ride out the highs and lows and be in it for the long haul as there is always an element of labour of love in your own business, but you don’t mind pouring extra hours into something when you enjoy it, and you get to reap the rewards for your hard work yourself.

Hopes and dreams: What next?
My online classes and physio consultations are ongoing nationwide, but I’d like to follow up my Prenatal Series with a Mums and Bubs Series in this next season.
I’d also like to put together a ‘Tradie Package’ for men in conjunction with my husband who is a builder, as I have a lot of women telling me that the men in their lives need to strengthen their core and should be doing Pilates too. Men start to get those middle age injuries like low back pain creeping in, particularly in trade or farming occupations which are physically demanding, but also those with desk jobs too. Some couples already do my Pilates together at home, but I’d like to do a series more specifically tailored to men.
In person, I’m planning to restart classes in 2023 in Balclutha region with a mums and bubs class during the day so I can take Ethan with me, and some evening classes when Ants can look after him at night. So if any of these things interest you, follow my Facebook Page or join my mailing list for updates and specials.
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