Vibrational Flower Remedies to Heal Body and Mind

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?  

Many! Business is like a front for spiritual growth really, haha. I have definitely grown in myself rapidly, due to the demanding nature of working for yourself or with others! Standing in my power has been the overall nature of my biggest challenges. I learnt that lesson eventually, but I was given a lot of opportunities to learn early. Being the nice girl doesn’t always work for business. You can always be kind, but you need to speak your truth and speak up most importantly. The height of my success has really been the product of me empowering myself – so far. Apart from that, I’ve overcome a lot more than I thought would come up in business. It’s definitely a wild journey! But worth it, so worth it!

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?  

I love business. I will always be a business woman; I can’t see myself doing nothing ever. I plan to grow all of my businesses beyond what they are now, but I’m sure there will be more to come! I don’t have many cons personally, probably just communicating with lots of different people effectively, which is more of a life skill and again, spiritual growth! Becoming the best version of yourself quickly helps to bring in more positives than negatives, I believe. Because with every set back or mistake, you gain a lesson, so to me it’s all good!

Hopes and dreams: What next?  

I’m currently creating a kids’ chakra range, writing a book on flower essences and creating a flower remedy tarot deck. All of which are to be launched early in the New Year. Then I’ll be teaching my flower remedy course for those who wish to become Flora Frequency Essence practitioners. That will be really exciting, because I have so much knowledge to share. I have really learnt so much about energy medicine and how the world is just energy and vibration and how easy it is to heal, change and grow using the essences! People need to know about it and how beautifully and easily they can change their lives. It’s definitely my purpose for this time and I’m really excited about teaching others about it to get them out into the world even more! We need the whole world using vibrational medicine!

Visit the Flora Frequency website to find out more and follow their journey on Facebook and Instagram.  



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