Inspired by her amazing friends giving birth to their babies, Stevie Elliott set out to find something to help heal and sooth them postpartum. Seeing a gap in the market and after much research and development, she launched Viva La Vulva, producing an all natural, soothing perineal spray that helps ease the discomfort of postpartum vaginal swelling, soreness and tears. Here she talks about why she is so passionate about her business and her hopes and dreams for Viva La Vulva in the future.
The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?
I am surrounded by so many incredible mamas in my life! I’ve seen my friends’ babies being born and holy sh*t! What an incredibly eye-opening experience it is to see a baby come into the world!
The idea for Viva La Vulva Postpartum Healing Spray, came about after being at my bestie’s first birth. Immediately after, I went to find something natural to help her with postpartum healing and couldn’t find anything for down there! I was shocked by this and it was at this moment I decided to make it my life’s mission to help save vaginas everywhere… Because OUCH!
I spent about 3 years researching and testing different natural products and finally developed Viva La Vulva Postpartum Healing Spray. This product is the first in a range of natural products to come for mums, to help in the early stages of motherhood.
The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?
We have only recently launched Viva La Vulva Postpartum Healing Spray. So, we feel like we are still in the womb, so to speak, haha! We still have a lot of growing to do. We’re working on getting the word out there, to as many mamas and midwives as we can. But in saying that, the response to Viva La Vulva Postpartum Healing Spray so far has been absolutely overwhelming and already so positive! We have had only great reviews and feedback from new mamas and midwives, telling us the spray is a godsend and that they would recommend it to all mamas to be.
“Viva La Vulva, my vagina cannot thank you enough. Finding your product was such a blessing. Following instructions, I popped it into the fridge and even prepared some frozen pads. WOW just wow. My tearing was worse but seriously the recovery was 1000x better thanks to this. It was so soothing and combined with the healing benefits of hypercal. My vagina is forever grateful. I recommend this to all new mums and mums to be.” – Mel, second time mama of Ava and Bodhi
“The recovery time to heal was diminished in weeks because of this amazing new product. I found after following the easy instructions (and popping in the fridge is key!!) that this was my go to daily spray!! Loved it and would highly recommend to any mama to be” – Nicola, first time mama of little Capri

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?
So far, for Viva La Vulva Postpartum Healing Spray, the biggest breakthrough (after talking to so many new mums) has been finding the right ingredients that actually worked for mums and were natural.
We knew the product was needed, we knew it needed to be all natural, but we didn’t know what the ingredients were or where to find them. I came across this awesome, certified and very experienced homeopath who helped me find the perfect solution to what I was looking for! And our magic vagina healing potion was made!
I also wanted to come up with some kickass packaging that really expressed the Viva La Vulva brand – revolutionary, bold, in your face and different to anything else you’ve ever seen on the shelf.
Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
I’m definitely a hustler and I absolutely LOVE working! Work doesn’t actually always feel like “work” to me. I am one of the lucky ones, being in a position to test out ideas and work on the ones that I am very passionate about. Finding balance between work and family can be so hard sometimes though… And I am yet to have the honour of becoming a mother. I totally take my hat off to all those inspiring mamas out there who do both: run a business and have a family!
I’m surrounded by a small team of like-minded women, including my very special mama and Ash – who is currently 5 months pregnant.