Aromatherapy for Mood, Memories and Emotions

The most effective way of using a diffuser is to diffuse for no more than half an hour, taking a break before diffusing again. If you are only using a few drops and are diffusing in a large open area you may diffuse for longer periods. 

Let your children choose which aromas they like. Most kids tend to love the citrus oils because they are familiar with the scent.  

Another great way to relax and calm children in the evening is to give them a warm aromatic bath. They receive the benefits of both topical and inhalation this way.  

Sleepy bath time 

2 drops lavender 
2 drops roman chamomile 

Add to a tablespoon of carrier oil or other dispersant before adding to the bath water. 

One of my favourite ways of using essential oils is in a personal inhaler. My children will often carry an inhaler to school when they need some emotional (or respiratory) support. Whenever they have a dentist appointment and are feeling a little anxious, I always make them an inhaler to take with them. 

Here are a couple of inhaler suggestions to calm an anxious or worried child: 

Inhaler #1 

Blank inhaler 
6 drops wild orange 
2 drops bergamot 
2 drops cedarwood 

Inhaler #2 

Blank inhaler 
4 drops lavender 
4 drops sweet marjoram 
2 drops ylang ylang 

If you or an older child are studying for an exam, aromatherapy can be of great benefit. While you are studying, diffuse a blend of rosemary and peppermint. Then take the exact same oils in an inhaler into the exam room. They will help you to retain and then recall the information. 

When you have family movie night or are reading your children a bedtime story, diffuse their favourite essential oils. Not only are you creating a calm environment, you may also be creating some lasting memories. When they are older and smell the same aromas, they will be taken back in time to these precious moments.  

Nothing awakens reminiscence like an aroma

Victor Hugo

Debra is an aromatherapist and mum of four aromatic children. Debra has an essential oils business and is passionate about teaching families how to use their oils. She is also the area co-ordinator for Mums In Business Association (MIBA) – Ipswich City Qld. You may find her online at and  

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