Delicious, Natural Lactation Hot Chocolate for Milking Mamas

Milky Me

Mum-of-two Ally Fensham has always been passionate about women’s health and all things motherhood. Conscious of what she was putting into her body while breastfeeding, she wanted a product that would not only support her energy, mood and breastmilk supply, but was also organic. Struggling to find the perfect product, she set out to create her own balanced, natural, organic lactation hot chocolate. At Milky Me, they have created a delicious and unique cacao blend that has been specifically formulated to support breastmilk production, while giving women a natural energy boost. It can be added to smoothies, coffee, porridge, baked goods, or just enjoyed as a good old fashioned hot choc. Here, Ally talks to The Natural Parent Magazine about the inspiration behind her business and her hopes and dreams for the future.

The passion: What inspired you to set up your business?

I’ve always been involved in mama-focused businesses. Before I moved up to the Northern Rivers, NSW, when I was still based in Melbourne, I owned and operated a boutique Pilates studio that specialised in pre- and post-natal women’s health. I’ve always been so passionate about mamas, women’s health, and all things motherhood, especially being a mama to two gorgeous little girls myself.

When I started my breastfeeding journey, I was very conscious about what I was putting into my body knowing that it would be passed on to my baby. I loved the idea of products that would support my energy, mood, and my breastmilk supply, but finding products that were actually organic though was so tricky! So many products that claimed to be organic only had 1 or 2 organic ingredients in them.

So I set about creating my own perfectly balanced, natural, organic lactation hot choc blend to enjoy for myself, that would boost my mood, energy and support my supply, as I was still breastfeeding my youngest. In the end, my friends said it was too yum just to keep it to myself, and so Milky Me was born – to share with all mamas.

The launch: How did you start out in the beginning?

From the beginning, I gave my Milky Me two key criteria: 1. It had to taste like a high-end artisan cacao blend – I was not going to sacrifice taste or quality! And 2. It had to actually help with mood, energy, and support supply, so getting the balance of the ingredients right took months of careful work. Fortunately, I had a wonderful time brewing up mug after mug, drinking hot chocolates every day as my special treat.

The innovation: What was the biggest breakthrough for you with your business?

Before launching Milky Me, I had never created or launched a product before, so at times it could feel overwhelming with the sheer amount of work involved. I was juggling two tiny kids, so it was a journey of constant discovery. For me, the biggest breakthrough was learning to be consistent and not giving up when things became difficult, or when I came across road blocks (which there were many!).

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