Gorgeous Gift Calendars to Count Down to a New Baby

The drive: What challenges have you overcome? 

Having an introverted personality and preferring the company of my dogs over people can often mean staying home instead of going out. When I started The Event Advent, I pushed myself out of my comfort zone to network and meet with complete strangers in many scenarios in order to benefit myself and my business. This has all been a learn-on-the-go experience and so far I’m loving watching it all evolve.  

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business? 

Doing it all alone without an equally invested business partner can make staying motivated hard. It can also be very frustrating at times. Much like I’ve noticed with parenting, many people are happy to offer their advice and opinions, whether you ask for it or not. It can also be very hard to back yourself when making big decisions or taking risks, as self-doubt can set in about whether you’re doing the right thing. On the flip side though, I do get to choose how often I work, what products I make, what suppliers I use and well, I make all of the decisions.  

Hopes and dreams: What next? 

I’d love for the business to grow to a point where I can work from my “real adult job” part time instead of full time, so I can spend more time with my son before he starts school.  

It’s humble beginnings at this point but I would love to expand the range of “off the shelf” countdown calendars. We currently have 6 Week and 12 Week Baby due date countdowns and a 7 Day Chocolate lovers’ countdown. I’m hoping to expand to have Birthday, Wedding, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Pet Themed countdowns as well.  

Visit The Event Advent website to find out more, and follow their journey on Facebook and Instagram.  

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