Joyful Clothing That Grows With Your Child

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?

There are external challenges, those we have all experienced in the past 3 years, but there are personal challenges too. I love what I do, and that keeps me going. The ‘B’ word (i.e. Brexit) has been an incredible challenge. We’ve gone from ordering wonderful fabrics from all over Europe without any customs, taxes or huge courier costs, to having an almost 30% increase in costs for just the fabric. Plus selling to the EU right now is almost too painful to be worth it in terms of paperwork and cost. I would say there is no overcoming Brexit, we just try to learn to live with it.

For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?

I think a single thing is both its main pro and its con: it’s all down to you. I don’t love worrying about bills, deliveries, deadlines, etc. But who does? I do love the creativity involved and providing something people love. Seeing ILO ‘in the wild’ gives me and everyone involved a huge sense of pride.

Hopes and dreams: What next?

I hope for a sustainable business in all senses of the word. We strive to be plastic free as a whole and use only home-compostable packaging for all orders, including wholesale; but there is always further to go. I also hope for a sustainable business that doesn’t put financial growth above everything else, but finds a point in which it can thrive without compromising our ethics.

More immediate ‘what next’ are some very exciting new designs coming up: two kids’ dresses, an adult sweater and a new kids’ gilet later in the year.

Visit the ILO Clothing website to find out more and to browse their gorgeous range of organic kids’ clothing. You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram.

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