Just One Easy Strategy for a Healthy Easter

The other thing about Easter is that we usually overindulge and then the heavy feeling of guilt weighs on our minds (and bodies).  

The more clients I work with the more I see that food is secondary to our health. Honestly. If we’re stressed out about WHAT we eat, e.g. “Is it healthy?”, “Should I be eating that?”, “Is it going to make me fat?”,  “Is it going to make me sick?”. THAT is what’s going to make us sick. Our thoughts.
Our thoughts can do more damage than the food itself. This is what happens:

  1.  The thought (mind). “I shouldn’t eat that chocolate, it’s going to make me fat.”  It’s a negative thought and our MIND is powerful. What we think – we create.  
  2.  The guilt (feeling). We go ahead and have the piece of chocolate or Easter egg anyway, because we know how good it will be! We then mentally beat ourselves up – GUILTY thoughts of how bad we’ve been and that we gave in…a familiar FEELING?
  3.  The chemistry (body). These thoughts send stress hormones and chemicals coursing through our BODY. Our cells receive the “stress” message, i.e. survival mode kicks in and our body then works on survival, rather the enjoyment of eating the chocolate, and this simple and pleasurable act becomes a burden on our minds and BODIES.

Finally: There’s just one strategy you can do to be healthy this Easter. ENJOY IT, and enjoy the choices you make. GUILT FREE.

We’re better off thoroughly enjoying that chocolate with no remorse or guilt and instead enjoying the moment, smell, taste and sensation it so pleasurably offers us.

Or if that doesn’t resonate for you perhaps this does, “Chocolate is health food for the soul.” – Miranda Gray, Author.

After working as an executive in professional services, Kate Barnes started her global business as a Certified Holistic Health Coach. She has a Bachelor of Science and a Post Graduate Diploma in Business. Kate runs an online program, ‘Our Happy Children‘, a leading education program for deeply nourishing families and building strong immunity, great energy and preventing illness. For more information visit Kate’s website, like her Facebook page for loads of daily inspiration, healthy tips and more recipes and follow her on Instagram:  @kate_barnes_health_coaching.

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