Yin and Yang: How do you balance work and family?
Balancing work and family are a hard one when you run your own business and even more so when you do it from home. There is plenty of work done after working hours, but I make a conscious effort to not work once I have collected my girls from daycare until they are down for the night, as well as weekends past my opening hours. Quality family time is so important to me. I have realised this more and more over the last two- and-a-bit years, as we are the only family support here in New Zealand. I am very fortunate to have a very loving, understanding, and supportive husband.

The drive: What challenges have you overcome?
Moving to a new country: one, I’ve had to learn the regulations around homeopathy in New Zealand as it is different to South Africa slightly and two, I don’t have a network of people. Slowly, I have been able to form these networks within my industries as well as just meeting other kiwis. Word of mouth is so important when you start a small business and when you have no network to help with that it can be challenging. It’s also been a challenge in finding the suppliers and finding new products to use. Having only earlier this year opened my business, Covid has also made getting up and running challenging. It’s been difficult to let go and have trust in the process, but I keep reminding myself that Rome was not built in a day.
For better or worse: What are the pros and cons of running your own business?
In terms of pros, I get to do what I love and it brings me joy every day. As I am my own boss and I reap the rewards of my hard work. I can have more of a work-life balance and dictate how much or how little I want to work. It also grows you and teaches so many amazing life lessons.
As for cons, I don’t have a stable and set income each month and worry about finances and how I will afford everything (stock, advertising, etc.). I am also trying to fill multiple roles (admin, accounts, labour, etc,) as only one person and can get despondent when it takes time to get up and going.

Hopes and dreams: What next?
I am hopeful to gain more knowledge and add more services in and around women and children. I would love one day to move into ‘formal’ offices and maybe even open a wellness clinic for women and children with all different holistic modalities: kind of a one-stop-shop for their health and wellness. I really want to share my love for what I do and make a difference in their lives.
Visit the ROAM Holistic Wellness website to find out more about the wonderful services Tasmin offers. You can also join their communities on Facebook and Instagram.